Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bodycombat 53


Yes, I mean it. Epic is the word to describe the release.

It's one of those releases that you'll instantly love.. For the first time since I passed my module training in BC43, I am actually loving each track.. Like all 10 tracks.. Finally the feel of the 3x series are back.. the 4x series are all very metal and I don't like it.

The best thing you will find out is that, after the 1 hour class, you would have burn and done enough equivalent to 1,700 crunches!  Now try doing 1,700 crunches.. OUCHH!!!!

Why take the hard way? Just try out the new release Bodycombat and tell me you DON'T feel it..

Track 1 has some cool moves, ginga and trebel knee..

Track 2... Jump kick is no longer in Track 4, in fact, it's in Track 2!! So what's in Track 4? Come to find out :p

Track 3... EPIC EXPLOSIVE arms killer... Really. And I mean it.

Track 4... A quick recovery track following such a huge Track 3..

Track 5.. very fun and uplifting.. 16 reps of a  full combo!!

Track 6... The usual esquiva in a very cheerful song - Swagger Jagger - LUNGES, ESQUIVA, SINGLE ESQUIVA FLOOR TOUCH. GINGA FLOOR TOUCH!? The hell man.. but one helluva workout!! :P

Track 7.. JUST the kind of muay thai track I like.. trance song instead of hardcore metal.. 16 hits of full combo again.. knees and knees and more knees... and then you have MORE knees and even more knees... after that, single knees and running man to end it..

Track 8... Explosive jabs.. jabs all the way... with some upper and legs.. amazing..

Track 9.. Knee to elbow combo.. slow and fast and then we have a strong upper and lower abs workout... tough but strong :)

AND the cool down? Momentous maximus... you'll feel the song.. short and simple cool down..

There you go..


  1. nice review hey. which body combat instructor would you recommend? i read in your blog post that you think myke is the best but my body comnbat instructor told me he sucks.

  2. everyone has their preferences. Just find one that you find easy to workout with. We have way too many instructors in KL, so you are spoilt for choices.
